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Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer feedback is really important to us at Springpack. In fact, it’s really, really important, and during December 2021, we ran a Customer Satisfaction Survey. Our latest latest blog will highlight the findings, and share with you some of the feedback we received. 

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Our Marketing Manager Chris, who conducted the survey, and analysed the results, commented. “Getting customer feedback is vital for every company. And Springpack is no different. We love hearing the good, the bad and the ugly. And I can assure you we read every piece of feedback, and assess where we can improve.”

Our Customer Satisfaction Survey

The survey consisted of 16 short questions, all around the products available, and the service we offer. We do monitor our levels of service, and use Trustpilot to gather valuable feedback. We also track our New Promoter Score (NPS), and run Mystery Shopping campaigns. But this is the first time for a while where we have asked our customers to offer us extensive feedback.


Chris continued. “We went in to the process with our eyes firmly open. Whether the results were excellent, or indifferent, we wanted to gauge how we were doing. But more importantly, where we could improve.”


And the results show just that – there are areas we excel in, and some where we can make improvements. Here’s how we performed.


The Results

First of all, we would like to thank each and every one of our customers who completed the survey. Without your valuable feedback, we couldn’t improve. So thank you!


On to the findings…

Customer Loyalty

We were keen to assess customer loyalty, and our chosen measurement was the length of time a customer had been with us. Of all the respondents, 45.2% had been trading with us for over 5 years. We also saw that 31% had been with us for less than 1 year.


During the past 12 months, we have been actively targeting new business, and this is a key metric for showing it has worked. Not only have we brought on board new customers, but they have engaged with us, by completing this survey. It was reassuring to see such positive comments from our new customers too. We’re definitely doing something right!

Our Service

One of the next key questions was to find out what our customers thought of our service. This was an open question, with customers leaving various answers. Some of the most frequently used words included;

  • Excellent
  • Great
  • Friendly
  • Helpful
  • Quick
  • Efficient
  • Knowledgeable


We are incredibly proud to see such words appearing. In fact, the answers were even better than we expected!


There are some area’s to improve, with better communication highlighted. Rest assured, we’re on the case!

Your Favourite Part Of Our Service

Next, we heard about your favourite the part of our service. We felt pretty confident about the sort of things that would come up, and we weren’t disappointed!


The number one answer was our delivery service. This was closely followed by items always being in stock, and our prices.


We have made some massive steps forward with improving our delivery offering, so it was great to see it come out on top.


In terms of holding stock, and general stock availability, we have recently released some stats on packaging availability. Please click here to read all about it!

The Environment

One of our own goals in to become Carbon Neutral by 2023, and we have seen a real boom in sales of eco-friendly packaging materials. So it was not a surprise, where we saw over 60% of responders state eco-friendly packaging was being looked at for 2022.


On the back of this, several free eco-friendly packaging audits have been booked in with customers. This is an excellent way to assess what packaging you are using, and how much could be switched to an eco-friendly packaging solution.


To book your very own free eco-friendly packaging audit, why not give us a call on 01905 457 000, or drop us an e-mail at, and we can arrange this with you.


Putting service to one side, we also had some really positive feedback on the quality of our products. 47% of respondents scored our products “Excellent”. A further 47% scored them “Very Good”. 6% scored them “Good”.


We have been working incredibly hard this year on sourcing products, be it a more sustainable option, or improving the quality of existing stocked products. We truly believe the hard work has paid off, especially wot such positive scores being received.


Mark, our Head of Procurement, added. “Seeing such fantastic scores for our products, makes it all worthwhile. We actively source the best products available, and the scores reflect that. There are a lot more new lines planned for 2022 too. So watch this space!”


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The final piece of insight we are sharing is our Net Promoter Score, or NPS. This is a score that is based on answering one question. How likely are you to recommended Springpack to a friend or colleague.


The responders scored us between 1 and 10, with anyone scoring us a 9 or a 10, being a “Promoter”. A score of 7 or 8 equates to a customer being “Passive”. Scoring between 1 and 6 makes someone a “Detractor”. The Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of respondents who are Detractors from the percentage who are Promoters.


We scored 67, which is classed an “Excellent” by

Having such a high NPS score, and ultimately customers who are prepared to recommend us, is fantastic. It shows that all of the hard work is paying off, and we’re grateful to receive such exceptional feedback.


Our Customer Satisfaction Survey

Whilst we are proud of the results from this customer satisfaction survey, we’re not stopping here! There will be future surveys, assessing customer satisfaction, and ways we can improve our service offering.


We would like to take this opportunity to once again, thank each and every customer who completed our customer satisfaction survey. This is a great way to gather important feedback, and we’re grateful to everyone who took the time to complete it.


Were Here to Help Guide Inform

If you would like further information on the products we sell here at Springpack, get in touch with one of our packaging experts by

Author: Simon Rees

Springpack is a UK packaging company delivering sustainable solutions that empower customers. We prioritise exceptional service, building strong relationships and developing innovative packaging solutions tailored to unique needs. Sustainability drives us, from eco-friendly materials to reusable practices minimising waste and emissions. As a family-run business, we’ve grown from humble beginnings to industry forerunners. Our passion lies in making a positive impact in our community and the lives of customers, employees, and stakeholders through outstanding service that exceeds expectations.
Company Registration No. 8775441 | VAT No. GB 276 6280 31